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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Residents of the B-BAR-H Ranch Facebook Group


We have a B-BAR-H Ranch Facebook GroupLogin to your Facebook account and join our group if you are a resident of the B-BAR-H Ranch!  

 Here's the link. 



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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Neighborhood Clean Up Day March 15, 2014

Many of you have asked about our annual Clean Up Day!  

Please mark your calendar for March 15, 2014, 8 am - Noon, located at the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch at Bubbling Wells & El Serape Trail.  

Please review the above flyer provided by Riverside County.  This event is sponsored by Riverside County EDA Community Improvement.  

As in the past, volunteers to man the activity and help clean empty lots are needed.  If you live next to an empty lot, please bag garbage and bring it to the dumpsters.  

Remember to come early.  The lines get long, and the dumpsters get filled quickly.  Last time, the dumpsters were all filled and left before Noon.  So, if you have trash, please arrive early to assure space.  


Help spread the word to neighbors -- Residents of B-BAR-H Ranch, Desert Edge and Mountain View are invited.  Proof of residency will be checked at the dumpster.  Please bring a current ID or drivers license with your name and address.  

Please send your email address to Webmaster@PaintBrushTrail.com be notified for future events. 

See you on March 15, 2014! 

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

National prescription drug take back day in Riverside County on 10/26/13

Riverside County Sheriff's / D.E.A.
"National Prescription Drug Take Back Day"
Throughout Riverside County on Oct. 26

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department is proud to announce its partnership with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in a nationwide prescription drug “Take-Back” day. The event will take place on Saturday, October 26, 2013, from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. The program allows members of the public to drop off potentially dangerous, expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs for destruction at any of the below listed Sheriff’s Stations throughout Riverside County.

Previous “Take Back” programs have been very successful in Riverside County. In 2012, Riverside County residents disposed of 2,124 pounds of unwanted and outdated prescription drugs.

This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Many Americans are not aware that medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are increasing at alarming rates, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet.

In addition, many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.

More information can be found by going to: http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/ Other participants in this initiative include the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Association of Attorneys General, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, the Federation of State Medical Boards and the National District Attorney’s Association.

The service is free and anonymous with no questions asked.

The next Prescription Drug Take-Back Program is taking place on Saturday, October 26, 2013, from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at the following Sheriff’s Stations:

Cabazon Sheriff's Station
Hemet Sheriff's Station
Jurupa Valley Station
Lake Elsinote Station
Moreno Valley Police
Palm Desert Station
Perris Station
Southwest Station
Thermal Station

Contact Information:
Webmaster Riverside County Sheriff TSB

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nextdoor Online for B-BAR-H Ranch

The B-BAR-H Ranch an unincorporated area located in Southern California's Riverside County has it's own private social network thanks to B-BAR-H Ranch Resident Mark Todd.  A few months ago, Mark set up a Nextdoor online neighborhood network for the Ranch.  

Nextdoor is similar to the works of Facebook, only Nextdoor is designed for specific neighborhood boundaries (see map below).  Members of the B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor tested its viability quickly and learned Nextdoor is an ideal resource and opportunity for the B-BAR-H Ranch to communicate without boundaries.  

Neighbors of the B-BAR-H Ranch post items of interest for the neighborhood and members of the B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor make comments.  It's a great way to stay in touch with what's happening within the community.  

Word spread quickly about the advantages of becoming a B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor participant, and neighbors joined.  As of today, membership includes 64 residents, and the B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor is growing strong.  

Boundaries for the B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor are shown below:

 B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor Boundaries Map
 (Click image to enlarge)

If you live within the boundaries of the map shown above and would like to become a member of the B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor, please follow the link B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor and become a member.  Not only will you be able to post and communicate with your neighbors, you'll also have available a host of other very valuable information:
The B-BAR-H Ranch has made many achievements over the past years for the common good of its community.  We owe our accomplishments on our ability to remain in communication with one another and offer assistance and support to our neighbors when needed.  

Join the  B-BAR-H Ranch Nextdoor today by clicking the links in this post, and keep in touch with your neighborhood! 

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Riverside County Neighborhood Enhancement

B-BAR-H Ranch Clean Up Day a Success!

The Riverside County Neighborhood Enhancement Program kicked off nicely on March 2, 2013 in the B-BAR-H Ranch Neighborhood.  Riverside County Community Improvement Specialist Grace Escobar led today's clean up event for the unincorporated areas.

The program, sponsored by Riverside County EDA, encourages and supports the idea of Neighbors-Helping-Neighbors to keep the unincorporated areas of the County looking good.  And, that's exactly what the residents of the B-BAR-H Ranch do -- they help one another!

Neighbors came out by the truck load filled with helpers and items for the dumpsters!  It was great to see everyone again!  Can't name everyone's name, but it's a fact many familiar faces were seen.  

Walter Gaines and Miguel Angel deserve a special award for the work they did cleaning up their yard and their neighbors' empty lots.  They made several trips back and forth with truck loads of debris. Fred Philippi swept the streets, Pat Carney, Steve Wilkes, Steve Grasha, Tad Seney and Bob Alsop participated. Plus, others helped neighbors unload vehicles at the dumpster.  It was truly the perfect example for doing more with less in support of Riverside County's new Neighborhood Enhancement Program.

Clean up days have been held in the B-BAR-H Ranch area for many years.  The residents appreciate the County's continued effort to provide sponsored clean up days. Participating in a neighbor-helping-neighbor program is ideal for the B-BAR-H Ranch.

Welcome to our clean neighborhood!  Thanks everyone and keep smiling.

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Monday, February 4, 2013

B-BAR-H Ranch Clean Up Day!

Please see attached flyer, and mark your calendar for March 2, 2013 Clean Up Day for the B-BAR-H Ranch unincorporated area sponsored by Riverside County. Please share with your neighbors.  Help spread the word. 

The dumpsters will be located at the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch located at the corner of Bubbling Wells Road and El Serape Trail.  Please get there early with your trash because bins fill quickly! 

Residents are asked to meet at the Arch at 7:30 A.M. to coordinate a scouring of the area.  It's been awhile since we've had this opportunity to meet as a Community to improve our neighborhood. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone again! 

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Call Dan Miro' neighborhood realtor

Whether you are just looking or have a place in mind, call our friendly neighborhood Realtor Dan Miro' for your real estate needs.  Dan is conveniently located in the B-BAR-H Ranch area, and he's here to serve you.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Free Foreclosure Prevention Workshops


Attached is a schedule about workshops at local libraries about Foreclosure Prevention. The Fair Housing Council of Riverside County also provides private consultations. Please feel free to forward this information to your friends and family who may benefit. (http://www.fairhousing.net/)

Perris Library, 163 E. San Jacinto, Perris 92570 -- Wednesday, September 19, 2012 4pm-7pm

Cathedral City, 33-520 Date Palm Dr., Cathedral City 92294 -- Saturday, October 27, 2012, 10am-2pm

Glen Avon Library, 9244 Galena St., Riverside 92509 -- Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 4pm-7pm

Lake Elsinore, 600 W. Graham, Lake Elsinore 92530 -- Saturday, January 5, 2013, 10am-2pm


Saturday, June 30, 2012

North Pam Springs Post Office Remains OPEN

 Postmaster Janet Arizaga
800-ASK-USPS (800-275-8777)


8:30am - 11:30am
12:30pm - 4:30pm
Sat-Sun    Closed

Great news to report for our neighborhood!  The North Palm Springs Post Office will remain OPEN for business.  

It was a tough few months wondering whether or not the USPS was going to close our favorite local Post Office.  We first reported its closing a few months ago, and heard this week it's not going to close.  We encourage everyone who used the North Palm Springs office to begin using it again.

Postmaster Janet Arizaga has the NPS Post Office looking great! It's clean, organized and inviting.  She plans to give the walls a facelift with new paint.  It's great for all your postal and passport needs.  Janet caters to small businesses and invites everyone to stop in and say hello.

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New Roads & Water Pipes in B-BAR-H Ranch

The roads in the B-BAR-H Ranch were upgraded to Riverside County standards recently in order to be maintained by Riverside County.  The Riverside County Transportation Department did an amazing job for us.  Thank you!  

Residents are permitted to call Riverside County when their roads need to be cleaned or maintained. 
Visit the
Riverside County Transportation Website

for instructions. 

Preceding the road work, the Coachella Valley Water District worked perfectly replacing old water pipes in needed areas to improve the Ranch's service.  We appreciate the ease at which the project was completed once started earlier this month.  Thank you!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vergence Labs on IndieGoGo - Social Video Eye Wear!

Click the link below to watch a super video about Epiphany Social Video Eyewear by Vergence Labs.

Video what you see! 

Wear Vergence Labs Epiphany Eyewear, and with a push of a button, video what you see! Then, share the video online. 

Upload your videos to a new website being designed by Vergence Labs' called YouGen.TV or upload to Facebook, Twitter or YouTube -- Get in on the ground floor at IndieGoGo

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dog found in B-BAR-H Ranch 3-15-12

Here's a copy of an email I received today.  Please help if you know someone who lost their little dog! Thank you!!!!

Jason and I found a little dog roaming Bubbling Wells.  We have called all the local shelters and no one has made an inquiry.  Is it possible for you to post her pic up on the blog to see if anyone has lost this little cutie (or if anyone may be interested in taking her in). 

She’s looks like a mix of Chihuahua and possibly Dachshund.  She is good tempered and likes to play with dog toys.  Unfortunately, we already have our hands full with our own brood of dogs, but will foster her until we can find a good home.  Of course, taking her to 1KPalms animal clinic will be last resort.

I have attached a pic of her.  You can link my email to the post if you wish or can go through you.

Thanks in advance.  Hope all is well.


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Thursday, March 1, 2012

A letter from District4 Supervisor John J Benoit

Dear Ms. Miller,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns in B Bar H Ranch. I appreciate hearing from you.

The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and Riverside County Transportation Department have scheduled significant public works projects about to break ground in B Bar H Ranch that include upgraded waterlines and new county maintained roads. CVWD has mailed notices on February 9th informing residents that work on the waterlines will begin in the middle of March and will continue through July. Roadwork will commence immediately following the completion of the waterline project.

These water and road works are major investments in the B Bar H Ranch community, and I am glad to see these projects become a reality.

If I can ever be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 760-863-8211. For your reference, I have attached a resource sheet with public agencies that may help on specific issues.

It is an honor to be your representative on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.

Fourth District Supervisor
Click Here for the Fourth District Resource List

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Neighbors Meeting Make a Difference

Residents of the B-BAR-H Ranch gathered at the home of Steve Grasha on February 9, 2012 to discuss neighborhood items and plan for the future of their community. 

The B-BAR-H Ranch located in an unincorporated section of Riverside County has a history all of its own, and the residents who own new homes in the B-BAR-H Ranch want to maintain the integrity of their community.  The residents of the B-BAR-H Ranch get involved by meeting regularly to discuss current affairs.  The hot item on the minds of many residents is the project promised to them by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) and Riverside County Transportation Department.  

Beginning in March, 2012, there will be new water pipelines installed by the CVWD.  Following the water pipe installation, Riverside County Transportation Department will provide new surfaces to all the roads located within the north and south sides of the B-BAR-H Ranch.  

Once roads are brought up to county standards, all the roads within the B-BAR-H Ranch will become Riverside County maintained roads. 

Residents extend a special thanks to County Officials for making this project a reality.  Special thanks are extended to Supervisor Marion Ashley, Supervisor John Benoit, Mojahed Salama (Riverside County Transportation Dept.), Amer Hassouneh (CVWD),  Steve Hernandez, Brenda Freeman, and the many others who helped.  

The project scheduled to begin in March 2012 is to be completed by July 2012.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tags Graffiti Garage Doors

Just when you think everything is perfect .... BAM ...

B-BAR-H Ranch was hit by Taggers late Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.  It was so windy here Saturday, I can't imagine a can of spray paint would work, but obviously it did.  About 10 homes had their garage doors tagged.  

Not the thing you want to wake up to on a Sunday.  

The Riverside Sheriff's Dept. was notified and several of the residents filed reports.  If anyone has a clue who did this please contact the Sheriff's Dept.  

Every little thing has been so quiet and peaceful around here for a long time.  So, this comes as a shock to all of us.  

If your home gets graffiti or you see unwanted graffiti, please contact the Graffiti Busters.  They are a great group of people who arrive quickly to clean off the unwanted tags. 

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Runaway Found - Owner Reunited

B-Bar-H Resident Kaye Urey has a soft spot in her heart for runaways and strays.  Over the past year she has provided a home and food for many stray animals.  

Today she found the dog pictured above.  And, this story has a happy ending.  The owner was driving around looking for his dog just as Kaye was on her way with the dog to see if the dog recognized its home. 

Many thanks to Kaye for looking out for all these little furry creatures who couldn't find their way home.  Her safe house attitude and TLC makes a difference! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

North Palm Springs Post Office Closing

It's sad, and it's true.  The little USPS Office located on Dillon Road near Indian Canyon is closing its doors on March 2, 2011.  If you want to file a complaint, contact Consumer Affairs at 1-858-674-2670.

This location has been serving locals for over 30 years.  It is a profit center for the USPS so it's very difficult to see it gone.  Over the years many USPS employees have helped us all.  This location will truly be missed!

Here's a list of the nearest alternative locations:
  • DHS 4.3 miles on Two Bunch Palms
  • Palm Springs 7 miles on E Amado Road
  • Palm Springs 9.7 miles on E Palm Canyon Dr Ste 605 (Smoke Tree)
Additionally, stamps can be purchased at Vons, Walgreens, Stater Bros and Staples. We are very sorry to report our little Post Office is closing!  You will be missed dearly!  Thank you for the wonderful service you've always provided and the friendly staff you've always employed!

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Dogs Found in B-BAR-H Ranch!

Two small dogs were found this weekend. If you know someone who lost their dog, please Contact Us. Here's photos of the dogs:

Found on Sagebrush Trail close to Save-A-Pet.  Appears to be about 3 months old.  Shepherd mix.  No collar.

Found in the field behind Paintbrush Trail. White with tan markings.  Has pink collar on with a torn hang tag. 

Please Contact Us if you know anyone who is missing their dog.  Both dogs are very nice, loving animals.  Thank you.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cold Office? Give the Gift of Warmth!

This holiday season give the gift of warmth to those people on your list who work in a cold office or suffer from arthritis or poor circulation. USB infrared heat penetrates deep through the skin's layers to muscle tissue. Keep warm with energy-efficient infrared heated computer gadgets. 

Click the link below:

Heated Mouse, Warm Mouse, Heated Keyboard, +More! Hand Warmer, Stay Warm, Cold Hands Solution!

Shoulder Warmer

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

B-BAR-H Ranch -- Missing Kitty -- Please Help!

His name is Scribbles
He is a year and a half
Last seen at home near 20th between Mountain View and Bubbling Wells
Contact Sandy

Thank You for Your Help!

Friday, November 4, 2011

B-bar-H Ranch residents meet

Residents met at the home of Walter Gaines on October 22, 2011 to discuss next steps.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Voice of the People: Comments from Final MAC Meeting

by Joseph Okon, B-BAR-H Resident

Towards the end of the final MAC meeting held on October 13, 2011 at Bubbling Wells Elementary School, the subject came up that the golf course across from the B Bar H Ranch had been purchased by a Canadian group. They are trying to finance a project of approx. 250 million US dollars. They would also need to raise 10 million to bring  water to the location. Their project may bring a new type of time sharing whereby Canadian's would become condominium owners that share properties for a 3 month period out of the year. 

The layout of the architectural structure  of the condos is unknown to us at this time. So there is concern as to the height of the structure possibly blocking the view of our buildings. But as this project has so far been finacially unachievable. The likeliness of the property being annexed into Desert Hot Springs when all is said and done is still a reality yet to be seen.

The question was presented to us as to whether the B Bar H Ranch owners were willing to hear a proposal presented by the DHS city administrators as to accepting us into the DHS city limits. Several flattering remarks were made about the new  DHS administration's accomplishments. However the fact remains that they were less than seven years ago bankrupt and are still financially incapable of providing us with sidewalks, natural gas, and a sewer system. They already admitted that they cannot even provide these things to the project across the street at the Golf Course site. They asked the Canadians to pay for everything so that they can be accepted into the DHS city limits.

I am making this point to say that the 10 B Bar H Ranch residents at the meeting who said that they would like to hear what DHS has to say post haste. Should be more concern with the B Bar H Ranch water project being completed and the reduction of taxes that will now entitle us to only street cleaning, the resurfacing of existing roads to county road status, the cleaning of the road surface and the maintainance of existing street lights. 

Things that we did not get are being put aside as money collected from previous property tax has up to this point not been utilized. So why focus attention on DHS instead of the money already spent on something that is pending.

This is peculiar behavior to me. Why would someone want to pay DHS taxes for missing services. We are in an economically down turned period in US history. Some of you have purchased homes at 25cents on the dollar value from cost at time of development. So I image that you saved a good amount of money during the purchase of your home. Why spend more for less. That is what you will be doing if we become part of DHS at this time. They do not have money for the utilities that make the difference between remaining unincorporated and being part of their city.

Hope that we all are thinking clearly on the subject. Hearing a proposal when other issues  are not resolved is tantamount to moving from a position of weakness.

We should handle the business that is at hand. Not the two in the bush...

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B-BAR-H Ranch Residents Get By With a Little Help from Our Friends!

Photos Taken by Walter Gaines - B-Bar-H Ranch Resident

It was long overdue, but not forgotten.  The residents of the B-BAR-H Ranch finally got the job done, and they did it themselves with the help of Steve Wilkes -  long time desert home owner who volunteered to help!

There were many vacant lots within the B-BAR-H Ranch being used as roads and entry ways into the desert by cars and off-road vehicles.  The make-shift roads were causing problems for residents.  Regardless of our requests to STOP,  drivers insisted on using empty lots for illegal drives.  

B-BAR-H Ranch Resident Walter Gaines took lead with the project to get boulders placed strategically to prevent roadways.   Neighbor and friend, Steve Wilkes helped!  Steve brought his tractor over to the B-BAR-H Ranch and together he and Walter completed the job as shown in the photos!

We believe in team work at the B-BAR-H Ranch!  The placement of boulders was approved by lot owners who were very happy to hear we were taking safety measures to prevent illegal trespassing on their land.
Special thanks are extended to the residents who voiced their opinions openly at our neighborhood meetings, and those people who actually got the job done -- Walter Gaines and Steve Wilkes! 

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

EDA - Riverside County Community Survey

July 2, 2011

I've been asked by the people in B-BAR-H Ranch who attend County meetings to post a response to the "survey" the B-BAR-H Ranch residents received in the mail yesterday.  I received several requests from residents for more information about the survey, and what to do about it, what it means and which option to select. 

We have NOT received a guarantee from the County the work will be done as stated in the survey.  Many of the long-term residents believe this is the County's attempt to abolish the CSA115 law which was established by ballot vote in 1977 for B-BAR-H Ranch maintenance.
  1. Select option 3.  We urge you to keep things the way they are until we get more information from the County to make an informed decision.  If we lose the CSA115 law we have no control over our community's future, maintenance or improvement.
  2. Work within the law. CSA115 is a law.  If changes to CSA115 are to be made, we request a Ballot Vote in November, 2011. Not by an uncontrolled survey.
  3. Riverside County has promised us things in the past and did not follow through.  We have no proof of government funds for our roads or help from a declining County budget for the future of the B-BAR-H Ranch.
  4. We asked Riverside County to define "road maintenance" and we did not receive a response.
  5. We asked Riverside County to define "County standards" for our roads and we did not receive a response.
  6. We are currently in District 5, Supervisor Ashley, and we will soon become part of District 4, Supervisor Benoit.  We need to wait without making changes to the CSA115 law until we are officially part of District 4.  The B-BAR-H Ranch Code Enforcement change has already taken place and we are now covered by District 4.
In lieu of the current state of the economy, the lack of State funds, a declining County budget, and the history with Riverside County -- for the future of the B-BAR-H Ranch -- we do not believe the survey to be a legitimate or fair way to address the current or future needs of the B-BAR-H Ranch. 

Select Option #3.

Voice your opinion in person at the next MAC Meeting:  July 14, 2011, 6:00 p.m., Bubbling Wells Elementary School.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tokier Hearing To Resume Monday: After City's Case Collapsed, Lawyers called for 32-day delay!

 Content Image Inline
The Palm Springs Weekly will be TWEETING live updates all day throughout the hearing until the conclusion.

Follow on twitter @palmspringsweek
By Steve Grasha

Reporting from Palm Springs, CA - A personnel hearing that was open to the public began on Monday, May 23, 2011, and was expected to last 3 days in a case involving the termination of Palm Springs Police Lieutenant. Abraham Tokier who was fired by “Acting” Palm Springs Police Chief Al Franz a candidate for the permanent position created by the departure of David Dominguez after he was exposed for lying to the public and contradicting the sworn testimony of a Palm Springs Police Sergeant during a hearing in Superior Court.

Franz alleges that Tokier failed to obey a “Lawful Order” by not returning to the station by an arbitrally set time (7:30 PM) to turn in his city issued police gear after being placed on administrative leave. Tokier returned at 1:30 AM according to police testimony at the hearing.

The events unfolded after a Cathedral City Police investigation of reports of possible domestic violence at Tokier's home in Cathedral City. No evidence was submitted at Monday’s hearing that any domestic violence ever occurred in the Cathedral City incident. The case was filed with the DA by Cathedral City, the District Attorney who refused to bring charges against Tokier and the case was sent back to Cathedral City for lack of evidence.

Cathedral City Police maintain that the alleged victim has been “uncooperative”. Sources in Cathedral City have told The Palm Springs Weekly that the victim has been “completely cooperative” and that she was never harmed in any way by the 20 year Palm Springs Police veteran. Lake Havasu Police who interviewed the alleged victim also found no evidence or any sign of abuse.

When the Cathedral City Police originally spoke publically at a press conference, regarding the original allegations, they sparked a nationwide manhunt for a “Critical Missing Person” who was the “the victim of violent domestic abuse” only later to discover the allegations were bogus and nothing ever happened.

One police officer from Cathedral City told The Palm Springs Weekly that “They had walked so far over the line that they could not put the Genie back in the bottle” it appears, to maintain credibility they continue the official line that “ a violent assault took place” they just have no evidence to back-up the claim.

Sources with all police agencies that became involved in the investigation including Palm Springs Police, Cathedral City Police and Lake Havasu Police all admit that no evidence of any kind exists that suggests that an assault occurred as alleged by Cathedral City Police officials.

The Firing:

Acting Palm Springs Police Chief Al Franz said he fired Tokier not because of anything that happened in Cathedral City, only that “he refused to comply with a lawful order” while on administrative leave. Tokier was at his home in Lake Havasu when he was told to return to the Palm Springs Police Station by 7:30 PM on March 21st. Tokier told the superior officer that it would be impossible to return that quickly and that he need at least 10 hours to get back to Palm Springs. He arrived at the station at 1:30 AM and turned in his city issued police equipment. Franz then notified Tokier of his intention to terminate Tokier.

A Lawful Order?

A respected attorney experienced in employment law said, “We frequently use the term insubordination to imply that an employee has not complied with a request from a supervisor. Making a legal case of insubordination requires the employee to have full knowledge of his/her action. Just telling an employee to do something does not mean that the employee received the message, understood the message, or understands the consequences from not complying with the message. Legal insubordination cases require a much higher threshold of understood evidence than the common term of simple insubordination. Supervisors must understand that difference to prevail in court cases of insubordination.

A charge of insubordination must show the following:

1. That the employee was given a clearly expressed direct order (preferably in writing, with a receipt of memo line signed by the employee and cc to personnel file).
2. That the employee understood the order given (acknowledged in the receipt of memo).
3. That the order was reasonable and work-related.
4. That the order did not place the employee in danger of his or her safety or health.
5. That the order did not violate any law or public policy.
6. That the employee was informed of the consequences of not obeying the direct order. The employee must be told that failure to obey the order will result in discipline up to and including termination.

Secret Tape Recordings and
Destruction of Evidence

It was inadvertently revealed at Monday’s hearing that all telephone conversations into and out of the Palm Springs Police Department are recorded on a sophisticated system made by Audix Corporation. After the police department witness realized that it was a mistake to admit to this, he attempted to back pedal.

When questioned further about whether such recordings were legal, one of the cities lawyers objected and blurted out that Tokier’s “council could put the chief in jail for illegal recording of telephone calls” but that line of questioning was not relevant to this hearing”.

The objection was sustained by the personnel committee chairman Bernard Sherwyn. Tokier’s attorney, Kasey Castillo questioned the Police Chief as to the whereabouts of the recordings involving the Tokier case the Chief admitted that he had destroyed them at which time, audible gasps could be heard from the audience prompting the chairman to call for order in the room.

After 8 hours of testimony, the attorneys for the city suddenly called for an end to the days preceding and requested a 32-day delay before continuing. The hearing had been previously scheduled to last 3 days.

The public hearing is scheduled to resume June 27th With Abe Tokier taking the stand.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Canadian cash boosts California county

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Speed Limit Sign Needed on Bubbling Wells Road

Overturned vehicle on Bubbling Wells Road. 
Saturday, June 18, 2011. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

B-BAR-H Ranch Clean Up Day - May 14, 2011

The B-BAR-H Ranch Clean Up Day is May 14, 2011 from 8:00 a.m. 'til Noon!
We'll meet at the B-BAR-H Ranch Arch.  
See you soon!

iPad Case with Keyboard - Website for iPad Cases

If you're like the millions of others who just bought an iPad and need a protective case for it, check out the new website devoted to iPad Covers and Cases.

The iPad 2 Bluetooth Keyboard and Case shown above converts the iPad into a laptop computer and allows you to use a wireless keyboard or the touch screen for typing. It's an awesome way to transform the iPad 2 into a laptop plus give it full protection inside a padded leatherette carry case.

There are a variety of iPad Cases and Covers available ranging in price from $25 - $60 each at http://www.ipadcandyland.com. Plus, click on the Contest link and enter to win a free iPad Cover and Case.

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